Friday, February 13

Good Readin'

"All dogs are brilliant at perceiving the slightest movement that we make, and they assume each tiny movement has meaning."

At my wits end trying to find out what my dog really thinks and what I'm doing wrong with communicating, a friend of mine highly recommended this book to me. Although I'm not finished reading it I cannot put it down. It's amazing to find out what we as humans do to confuse and disorient our dogs and how their behavior differs from ours. We are so connected and share so much (humans and canines) yet our instincts are polar opposites. This book is amazing at explaining human behavior and dog behavior as well, and offers stories so similar to the one's we experience with our dogs that really makes me feel like we all stumble onto the same problems. No one is alone! Only very few humans are naturals at understanding and communicating flawlessly with canines, for the rest of us there's starts here, with this fine piece of work! A must read for any dog loving, dog hugging, leash holder out there! 

More wonderful readin' and!

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