Tuesday, August 5

smallbatch sold at Hazel & Gertie's.

It's been a few months now since smallbatch was introduced in the most beautiful and most inviting pet boutique in San Francisco, perhaps in all of California, or ever! Hazel & Gertie's is this gem I rant and rave about. If you are a pet owner or have ever been to your typical pet store, or pet boutique you know that these are typically either over the top cutesy/annoying or dusty and unorganized. Hazel & Gertie's is amazing. Very clever, vintage, flea market decor yet functional with great merchandise. A must see and of course smallbatch has a little space in this store which makes us feel very fortunate. Our existing customers as well as new curious pets and their owners visit our small freezer to stock up or try smallbatch. We find ourselves "visiting" or "restocking" the little thing often. All very exciting and overwhelming too. 

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